Scheduling your semester

Taking time to plan your semester from Week 1 can really pay off in the long run. Here are a few ideas to help you get organised.

In order to plan your semester and manage your time effectively, you will need to keep track of important dates, your weekly course timetable and your daily commitments.

Useful tools to help you plan

Many students use a mixture of paper and digital tools to plan and keep track of their activities. Everyone is different, so find a system that works for you.

Wall planners

A wall planner will help you understand the big picture. You can buy a yearly planner from any bookshop.

Write in assignments, tests and important deadlines and put it somewhere visible.

Tip: Colour code different courses or activities to visualise where you’re spending your time.


You can use a diary to get a snapshot of your week and plan daily tasks.

Hours of study will depend on the type of course you are doing. However, as a general rule a 15 point undergraduate course will usually involve around 10 hours of study per week, including lecture and tutorial times.

Tip: Keep a printed copy of your timetable from Student Services Online at the front of your diary. Identify gaps for completing tasks and having breaks.

Online calendars

Use an online calendar to get everything in one place. For example, use the calendar app on your phone or the Google calendar associated with your university email address.

Keep track of other commitments

Include social, family and work commitments in your planning so you can identify and plan for busy weeks during semester. Why? By identifying busy periods you can make sure you start working on assignments early (and avoid missing out on fun social activities).

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